Environmental Related Services and Expertise
Our Environmental Related Services and Expertise are as follows:
Environmental Authorisation Processes and Amendments
Waste Management Licences
Performance Assessments and Audits
Project Permit Screening
Feasibility Assessments (Environmental, Water & Permitting)
Development of compliance monitoring programmes
Environmental Legal Compliance, Gap Analysis & Legal Opinions
Environmental Control Officer
Environmental Incident Management and Reporting
Rehabilitation Strategy and Implementation Plan
Training and Awareness Programmes
Our in-house specialist studies offered are as follows:
Terrestrial Biodiversity Impact Assessment
Social Impact Assessment
Sunlight Impact Assessment
Human Health Impact Assessment
Visual Impact Assessment
Traffic Impact Assessments
In support with independent outsourced specialists:
Noise Impact Assessment
Blast & Vibration Impact Assessment
Air Quality Impact Assessment
Civil Aviation Impact Assessment
Geotechnical Investigations
Freshwater Impact Assessment
Hydrology Impact Assessment
Heritage Impact Assessment
Palaeontological Impact Assessment
Wetland and Floodline Delineations
Soils, Land Use and Land capability Impact Assessment
Defence Impact Assessment
Network & Radio Frequency Impact Assessment
Hydropedology Impact Assessment
Climate Change Impact Assessment
Hydrogeology Impact Assessment
Project Integration
AvDCG offers seamless integration on environmental, water and human-health services and expertise – allowing for an inclusive approach that meet project specific and regulatory needs.